Half A Photograph

Half A Photograph

Автор мелодии: H Stanley
6  7   8    8 9  8 -8 -87   
I saw half of a photograph 

 7  7   7  -8   7   -67-66
and it took my breath away.

 6   7    8    8  9  8  -8 -87  
For that face on the photograph 

 -6  -6   6   7  -7 -8 7
was my love of yesterday.

 7  7 -9 -9  9  -9  -9 8       
It was only half a picture.  

   8  -9     8   6 -9 -9  8
There was still another part.

7   -8  8 8   -8    7   8 -8   
But somebody tore that picture 

 7   -6  -7  -7   7  -8 -88-9
like the way he tore my heart.

  6  7     8   8  9  8 -8   87    
Somewhere I'm on the other half.  

 7  7    7 -8   7  -6   7-66
If you find it you will see

 6    7   8    8  8    8 -8-87   
That his half of the photograph 

h-6 -6  6    7   -7   -8  7
has a smile he meant for me.
Жанр: Любовные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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