Freedom’s On The Wallaby (for Aussie)

Freedom’s On The Wallaby (for Aussie)

Автор мелодии: Henry Lawson
By Henry Lawson
Key: D

9     9  9 -9 -9  8   8   -8
Aus-tral-i-a's a big coun-try, 
-8   7     7    -8   7  -7  -6
and free-dom's hump-ing blu-ey     
-9   -9   -9   8   8  -8  -8 7
And Free-dom's on the Wal-la-by, 
7    -7   -8   -6  -7  -7  -7
oh, can't you hear her coo-ey?     
9       9  9  -9  -9  8   8  -8  
She's just be-gun to boo-mer-ang, 
-8       7    7  -8  8    9  -9
she'll knock the ty-rant sil-ly
-9    -9  -9 -9   -9   8 -8  -8  9
She's go-ing to light an-oth-er fire 
-9   8   8   8  -8 -8  7
and boil an-oth-er bil-ly.
Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: D

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