Down On Me

Down On Me

Автор мелодии: Janis Joplin
By: Janis Joplin
Key: D

 -1   -2* -3 -3   -4   -4  -3 -2* -2*
Well down on me, Lord down on me, yeah
-3  -3  -3  -3  -5    -3  -4 -3 -5 -5
I’m say-in’ it Looks sick in my bod-y
-3   -3   -5     -5   -4-3
And this whole round world,
 4    -3    -3   -6*  6
Yeah babe, yeah, oh yeah 
  -4     -5  -5 -4-3  -3
They're down on  me, yeah. 

-2* -2*  -3   -4   -3  -3  -3  -3 -4-3-4
One of these morn-ings be fine and fair
 -4   -4 -3  -4    -3
Hitch on my wings babe, 
-3  -3 -4  -4  -3  -2*
gon-na try out the air
-1   2   -1  -2*   -1  -1 -1 -1 -1
and then it looks sick in my bod-y
 -4   -4    -4    4-4 -3-4-332  4
this whole round world        yeah
 -5  -5-4-3 -4
down on me yeah
-3    -3     -4  -4 -3
hey they’re down on me
 -5 -3 -5  -3 3 -2*
Lord, down on   me
-5 -4-3  -3  -5    -3  -4 -3 -5 -4
Al-right it looks sick in my bod-y
-3* -4   4   4*   -5     3    -3
I said, and this whole round world
6    -5  -5 -4-3
Ah, down on  me 
-4 5 6   -5
Oh yeah yeah
-5*  -5 -5 5  5
Down on me yeah
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: D

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