Dedicated To The One I Love (chromatic)

Dedicated To The One I Love (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Mamas & The Papas
By: Lowman Pauling & Ralph Bass
The Mamas and the Papas
Key: Bb

 -6    7  -77 -6 -7* -6  -6  -5 -6  7  
While I'm far a-way from you my ba-by 
-6  7   -7   -7* -6   7  -5 -6  7
I know it's hard for you my ba-by 
-6   7    -7   -7* -6  7  -5 -6 -5
Be-cause it's hard for me my ba-by 
 5   5   -6  -6  -5*  -3* -5  -5  -5  -3*
And the dark-est hour is just be-fore dawn 
 -6    7   7  -7 7 -6 -7* -7*-7* -7*-7* 8
Each night be-fore you go to bed my ba-by
 -6  -6 -6 -7  -7   -7*   -7*-7*-7*-7* 8  
Whis-per a lit-tle prayer for me my ba-by 

-6  7-77  -6  -7* -7*   7   6  -6
And then tell all the stars a-bove 
-10 -10 -9*-9*-9 -9 -7* -7* -9 -9  -7*
This is ded-i-ca-ted to the one I love 
 -6  -6  -6  7  -6 -6 -6  -6  -6
Life can nev-er be ex-act-ly like 
7  -7* -7* 7  -6 
we want it to be.

-6 -7*  7* -6 -5* -5*-5 -7*  7*-6-5* -5* -5 
I could be sat-is-fied know-ing you love me 
  -6    -6   -6  -6  -5  -7* 7  -6
There's one thing I want you to do 
-5 -6  7  -7*  7  -6
Es-pe-cial-ly for me 
-6   7  8-7*-7  7    7   8-7* 8  8-7 7 7-77-6
And it's some-thing that  ev-‘ry-bod-y needs 

-6    7  -77 -6 -7* -6  -6  -5 -6  7  
While I'm far a-way from you my ba-by 
-6  7   -7   -7* -6   7  -5 -6  7
I know it's hard for you my ba-by 
-6   7    -7   -7* -6  7  -5 -6 -5
Be-cause it's hard for me my ba-by 
 5   5   -6  -6  -5*  -3* -5  -5  -5  -3*
And the dark-est hour is just be-fore dawn 

  -6    -6   -6  -6  -5  -7* 7  -6
There's one thing I want you to do 
-5 -6  7  -7*  7  -6
Es-pe-cial-ly for me 
-6   7  8-7*-7  7    7   8-7* 8  8-7 7 7-77-6
And it's some-thing that  ev-‘ry-bod-y needs
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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