Days of Wine and Roses (chromatic)

Days of Wine and Roses (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: w: Johnny Mercer m: Henry Mancine

The days of wine and ros-es
1    -3  3   -3   4   -5 4
laugh and run a- way 
4     -3  -3  -1 -1
like a child at play
4   -3  -3   1*  1*
Through the mead-ow land
-3       3   3   1   -1
to-ward a clos-ing door
2   3  -2  -3  -5   4
A  door marked "nev-er-more"
-3* 4    -3*    -3  3   -3
that was-n't there be-fore
2     3  -2   2   -1   3 
The lone-ly night dis-clos-es 
1    -3  3  -3    4   -5   4
just a pass-ing breeze
4   -3  -3  -1   -1 
filled with mem-or-ies
4       -3  -3  1*  1*
Of the gold-en smile
-3  3   3   1   -1 
that in-tro-duced me to
2    -2  3   -3   4  6
The days of wine and
-5   4   -3  3   -2 
ros-es and you
-3  -3 -1  -2

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: F

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