

Автор мелодии: Red Hot Chilli Peppers


 -4   5    5    5    -4 -4
Psy-chic spies from Chi-na

 -4 -4  -4    -4   -4    5  4  -3b
Try to steal your mind's e-la-tion

 5   5    5     5   -4  -4
Lit-tle girls from Swe-den

  -4  -4  -4  -4   -4    5   4  -3b
Dream of sil-ver screen quo-ta-tions

-3b  5  5   5     5    -4  -4   -4
And if you want these kind of dreams

 -4   4  4  -3b 4 -4  -4
It's Cal-i-forn-i-ca-tion

 -3b -3b   5   5  5   -4
It's the edge of the world

 -4  -4 -4  -4  -4   -4  5   4  -3b
And all of wes-tern civ-‘li-za-tion

-3b  5   5    5   5  5   -4
The sun may rise in the East

-4  -4  -4  4   -4  -4  -4 -4 -4   5 -4 -3b
Atleast it set-tles in the fi-nal lo-ca-tion

 -3b  5  5    5     5   -4 -4  -4
It's un-der-stood that Hol-ly-wood

 -4    4  4 -3b  4 -4  -4
Sells Cal-i-for-ni-ca-tion

-3b  -3b -3b  -3b  4 -3b -3b
Pay your sur-geon ver-y well

-3b  -4   4   -3    4 -3  4
To break the spell of ag-ing

-3b -3b-3b -3b -3b -3b 4   -3b  -3b
Cel-eb-rit-y skin is this your chin

-3b -4  4   -3   4   -3  4
Or is that war your wag-ing


  4     4  4  4  -3
First born u-ni-corn

  4    4    4   -3
Hard core soft porn

 5+6  56  56 56 56 56 -45 -45
Dream of Cal-i-forn-i-ca-tion

 5+6  56  56 56 56 56 -45 -45
Dream of Cal-i-forn-i-ca-tion


 -4  5  5  5   5   5  -4 -4 -4  -4  -4
Mar-ry me girl be my fair-y to the world

-4 -4 -4 -4  -4  -4  -4   4  -3b
Be my ver-y own con-stel-la-tion

-3b 5   5    5    5   5 -4 -4 -4  -4
A teen-age bride with a ba-by in-side

 -4  -4   4   -4 -4  5   4  -3b
Get-ting high on in-for-ma-tion

-3b  5   5 5  5   5   5   -4  -4 -4
And buy me a star on the boul-e-vard

 -4   4  4  -3b 4 -4  -4
It's Cal-i-forn-i-ca-tion

  5    5   5  5  -4  -4  -4   -4
Space may be the fi-nal fron-tier

 -4  -4   -4  -4 -4 -4 -4   5   4   -3b
But it's made in a Hol-ly-wood base-ment

 2   5   5   5   5   -4   -4    -4
And Co-bain can you hear the spheres

 -4   -4   -4   -4  -4  -4   5  4   -3b
Sing-ing songs off sta-tion to sta-tion

-3b 5   5    5   5   -4 -4 -4
And Al-der-on's not far a-way

 -4   4  4  -6b 4 -4  -4  -6
It's Cal-i-forn-i-ca-tion Ooh

 -3b -3b  -3b  -3b   4   -3b  -3b
Born and raised by those who praise

-3b  -4   4  -3 4 -3   4
Con-trol of pop-u-la-tion 

-3 -3b -3b -3b  4    -3b  -3b
Ev-ry’-bod-y's been there And

-3b -4    4  -3  4 -3  4
I don't mean on va-ca-tion


-3b   5    5    5    5 5  -4 -4  -4   -4
Des-truc-tion leads to a ver-y rough road

 -4 -4 -4 -4   -4    5  4  -3b
But it al-so breeds cre-a-tion

-3b   5     5     5   5 5  -4    -4   -4
And earth-quakes are to a girl's gui-tar

  -4     -4 -4  -4  -4  -4   5   4  -3b
They're just a-noth-er good vib-ra-tion

-3b  5  5    5     5    5   -4   -4   -4
And ti-dal waves could-n't save the world

 -4   4  4 -3b  4 -4  -4  -6
From Cal-i-forn-i-ca-tion Ooh

-3b  -3b -3b  -3b  4 -3b -3b
Pay your sur-geon ver-y well

-3b  -4   4   -3    4 -3  4
To break the spell of ag-ing

-3b -3b  -3b -3b  -3b  -3b  4 -3b  -3b
Sick-er than the rest there is no test

-3b  -4  4   -3    4      -3  4
But this is what you're crav-ing

Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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