brothers in arms

brothers in arms

Автор мелодии: dire straits
4    4    5  6    -6 6
these mist covered mountains
 -4 -4 -4   5   6  5
are a home now for me
 6   6  6   -6 -7   7 6
but my home is the lowlands
 5   5 -5   6   -6
and always will be
 6    6   -6     -7 7   6
some day you`ll return to
 6    6  5    6    5   -6
your valleys and your farms
 -4 -4     -4  5 6    5
and you`ll no longer burn
-4 4   5  -5    5  -4
to be brothers in arms
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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