Blue Sky

Blue Sky

Автор мелодии: The Allman Bros. Band
By: Forrest Richard Betts
The Allman Brothers Band
Key: E

 3* -4  -4  -4   4* -4    4*  -4  -4 3*2  
Walk a-long the riv-er, sweet lul-la-by, 
3*  -4    -4  -4  4*  -44*
it just keeps on flow-ing,
5*   6    6  5*   6
It don’t wor-ry ‘bout 
 5*-4  -4  3*-2*2  -4 3*-2*2 
where it’s go-ing, no, no.
  3*  -4   -4  -4   4*   -4
Don’t fly, mis-ter blue bird, 
 3*  -4   5*   6   5*  -4   3*2
I’m just walk-ing down the road,
 3* -4  -4  -4   4* -4 4* 
Ear-ly morn-ing sun-shine 
 5*  6   6  6  5*-43* -2*2  
tell me all I need to know

  -4   -4  4*  4*-4-3
You’re my blue  sky, 
  4*   -4  4* -4 3*2
you’re my sun-ny day.
 -4   -4   -4  -4   5*  6  5*-4
Lord, you know it makes me high 
 -4  -4    4* -4    4*  -4 3*-2*2
when you turn your love my  way,
 4*   -4   3*  2  -4  3*-2*2
Turn your love my way, yeah.

 3*  -4  -4  -4   4*  -4
Good old sun-day morn-ing, 
 -4   -4   5*   6  5*  -4  3*2
bells are ring-ing ev-‘ry-where.
3* 3* -4 -4 -4 4*-4-4
Go-in to car-o-li- na, 
-4  5*    6   6   6   5*  -4  3*2
it won’t be long and I’ll be there

  -4   -4  4*  4*-4-3
You’re my blue  sky, 
  4*   -4  4* -4 3*2
you’re my sun-ny day.
 -4   -4   -4  -4   5*  6  5*-4
Lord, you know it makes me high 
 -4  -4    4* -4    4*  -4 3*-2*2
when you turn your love my  way,
 4*   -4   3*  2  -4  3*-2*2
Turn your love my way, yeah.
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: E

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