Blessed are the Believers

Blessed are the Believers

Автор мелодии: Anne Murray
5   -5  5   6
Rain in the sky

-4 -4  5  -4  -5
A tear in my eye

 -4  5  5  -4  6  6  6 5 4
Stat-ic on the ra-di-o_____

4     5   -5     5   6
The long night's be-gun

-4    -4 5   -4  -5
With din-ner for one

-4   5    -4   -5  5  -4 4
You said you'd nev-er go____

 6     6  6  -6  -7  -7  -6
Bless-ed are the be-liev-ers

-6    -6   -6 -6  6  -5 6    5   -4 4  
They shall in-her-it a heart-ache____

6   6   -6  6   6    -4
Be-liev-ing in you, babe

-5   -5  -5  6    6   6     -6   6
That was my great-est heart-break_

6     6   6  -6  -7   -7  7  -6  6 -5
Bles-sed are all the left-be-hind_____

 -5  6     -6     6    6    6  -6
For their hearts shall one day mend

 6   6     -6  6     6     6   -4
When love and those same sweet lies

-4   5  -4  -5  6   6 -5  -4 4
Make us be-liev-ers a-gain____

Cold coffee cup
Sun coming up
Sleep is a distant dream
Something you said
Rolls round in my head
Something that you didn't mean


 6     6  6  -6  -7  -7  -6
Bless-ed are the be-liev-ers

-6    -6   -6 -6  6  -5 6    5   -4 4  
They shall in-her-it a heart-ache____

6   6   -6  6   6    -4
Be-liev-ing in you, babe

-5   -5  -5  6    6   6     -6   6
That was my great-est heart-break_
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: A

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