Back to the Ground

Back to the Ground

Автор мелодии: Jamie Cullum
Jamie Cullum – Back to the Ground

Here’s the first part of one of my favorite songs (as I am piano
player too)

-4 -3’
-1 2 -2 -3” -2
I've let myself go
2 -2 -4 -3’ -2 -2 
I've been screening the calls
-1 -1 2 -2 -3” -2
From my friends to my foes

-4 5 6 6 5 (6o) 6 5
Although I've been weak
-5 -5 5 -4 -3’
Far for so very long
-2 -2 5 -4 -3’
I gotta get myself
-2 -2 5 -4 -3’
I gotta get myself
-2 -2 5 -4 -3’
I gotta get myself
-3’ -3” -2 -2
Back to the ground

-4 -4 5 -4 -3’ -2

-4 -3’
-1 2 -2 -3” -2
siren messed with my song
-5 5 -4 -4’ -4 -3’
I'm gonna send her
-1  -1 2 -2 -3” -2 -3’
Back to where she belongs

-4 5 6 6 5 (6o) 6 5
I keep my enemies
-5 5   5 -4 -3’
Much, much, much too close
-2 -2 5 -4 -3’
I gotta get myself
-2 -2 5 -4 -3’
I gotta get myself
-2 -2 5 -4 -3’
I gotta get myself
-3’ -3” -2 -2
Back to the ground

Now it transposes to the bridge and solo, and after that another time
at the end of the song. I’ll tab the rest later maybe ;)
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: A

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