Amazing Grace (12th position)

Amazing Grace (12th position)

Автор мелодии: John Newton
4 (5) (6) (6)     6  (5)   (4)  4 
A maz ing grace, how sweet the sound

(4)   (5) (6) (6)    6   7
That saved a wretch like me

(6) 7  (6)(5)(6)   6  (5) (4) 4
 I once was lost, but now am found

4 (4) (5)   (6) (6) 6 (5)
Was  blind, but now I see

Notes: This version of "Amazing Grace" has been published in "Rock
n' Blues Harmonica" by Jon Gindick, and is arranged by John
McLaughlin from WA. (I just thought I'd share such a great tab- hope
I'm not breaking any laws.)

- It is played in 12th position, and on a C harp that would be the key
of F.

- Since this is such a simple song, variations can be added like in
djlactose's version- instead of [4 (5) (6) (6)] for the first line,
you can use [4 (5) (6) 6 (5) (6)]. Hand effects also prove very good
for articulation on this piece, and my favorite bit of improv would be
adding a headshake to the last note (F)- using a 4 draw in addition
with the 5 draw [(4)(5)(4)(5)...].
Жанр: Патриотизм
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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