Aint She Sweet — HARMONICA.RU

Aint She Sweet

Автор мелодии: Jack Yellen & Milton Ager
Aint She Sweet  Jack Yellen & Milton Ager

 -6   -6   6
Aint she sweet

-6   6   -6  -6   -6  -6   6
See her com-ing down the street

 -6 6  7   7   -6 -6 -6 -6  -6   6  -5
Now I ask you ver-y con-fi-den-tial-ly

 5    -4   4
Aint she sweet

 -6   -6  6
Aint she nice 

 -6   6  -6 -6  -6  -6   6
Look her o-ver once or twice

-6 6  7   7   -6 -6 -6 -6  -6   6  -5
Now I ask you ver-y con-fi-den-tial-ly

 5    -4   4
Aint she nice

 4    4    4  4   4  4   4   4  3
Just cast an eye in her dir-ec-tion

 7 7   7  7   7    7   7   7   6
Oh me Oh my aint that per-fec-tion

-6 -6 6     -6   6    -6   -6     -6  -6  6
I re-peat don’t you think that’s kind of neat

-6  6  7   7  -6  -6 -6 -6  -6   6  -5
And I ask you ver-y con-fi-den-tial-ly

 5    -4   4
Aint she sweet

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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