Dry Bones

Автор мелодии: The Mills Brothers, The Four Lads
By: James Weldon Johnson
The Mills Brothers, The Four Lads
Key: F

-2-2  -2   -2      -2  -3   -2
E-ze-kiel cried  “Them dry bones”
-2 3  3     3      3   -3   -2
E-ze-kiel cried  “Them dry bones”
-2-2  -2   -2      -2  -3   -2
E-ze-kiel cried  “Them dry bones”
-2 3  3     3      3   -3   -2
E-ze-kiel cried  “Them dry bones”
-2  -3  -3   3   3   3   -2
Oh hear the word of the Lord

-2   -2   -2  -2   -2  -2 -2 -2  -3   -2
The foot bone con-nect-ed to the leg bone
-2  -2* -2*  -2* -2* -2* -2* -2* -3*  -2*
The leg bone con-nect-ed to the knee bone
-2*  3    3    3   3   3  3   3   -4    3
The knee bone con-nec-ted to the thigh bone
 3    3*   3*   3*  3*  3* 3*  3*  4    3*
The thigh bone con-nect-ed to the back bone
 3*  -3   -3  -3   -3  -3 -3 -3   4*   -3
The back bone con-nect-ed to the neck bone
-3   -3*  -3* -3* -3* -3* -3*-3*  -5   -3*
The neck bone con-nect-ed to the head bone
-3*  -5  -5   4   4   4   -3*
Oh, hear the word of the Lord

 -3*  -3*    -3*  -3*  -3*-3*  -5 -5  -3*
Them bones, them bones gon-na walk a-roun’
-3*  -3*    -3*  -3*  -3*-3*  -5 -5  -3*
Them bones, them bones gon-na walk a-roun’
-3*   4     4     4    4  4   -5 -5  -3*
Them bones, them bones gon-na walk a-roun’
-3*  -3*    -3*  -3*  -3*-3*  -5 -5  -3*
Them bones, them bones gon-na walk a-roun’
-3*  -5  -5   4   4   4   -3*
Oh, hear the word of the Lord

-3*  -3*  -3* -3* -3* -3* -3*-3*  -5  -3*
The head bone con-nect-ed to the neck bone
-3*  -3   -3  -3   -3 -3 -3  -3   4*   -3
The neck bone con-nect-ed to the back bone
-3   3*   3*   3*  3*  3* 3*  3*   4    3* 
The back bone con-nect-ed to the thigh bone
 3    3    3     3   3  3  3   3   -4   3
The thigh bone con-nect-ed to the knee bone
 3   -2* -2*  -2* -2* -2* -2*-2* -3*  -2*
The knee bone con-nect-ed to the leg bone
-2* -2   -2  -2   -2  -2 -2 -2   -3   -2
The leg bone con-nect-ed to the foot bone
-2   4    4   -5  6   6   -6
Oh, hear the word of the Lord
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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