Mary’s A Grand Old Name

Mary’s A Grand Old Name

Автор мелодии: George M. Cohan
Из фильма: “Babes On Broadway”

-1  3  -4 -5 -4  -3 2
For it is Ma-ry, Ma-ry 
 -2*  3  -3-2* -1  -2* 2
plain as an-y name can be,
-1   2   -2* -3  3 -2*
but with pro-pri-e-ty, 
2 -2* 3 -3  -1  -3  -3* -4
so-ci-e-ty will say "Ma-rie".

-1  3  -4  -5 -4  -3 2
But it was Ma-ry, Ma-ry 
 -2* 3   -3  -2*  -1   -2*  2
long be-fore the fash-ions came 
-1    3   -4  -5   -5*    6
and there is some-thing there 
 -4    6    -5  5 
that sounds so fair,
 -4 -3   2   -2*  3
it's a grand old name.

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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