You Can’t Do That (chromatic)

You Can’t Do That (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Beatles
By: John Lennon & Paul McCartney
The Beatles
Key: G

3  3   -4   -4   -4  4
I got some-thing to say  
 4     4    -5   -6   -4      
That might cause you pain 
3  3  -4   -4   4    4  4   4   -5  7  -6
If I catch you talk-ing to that boy a-gain 
-5  -5  5* -5   5  5-3*
I'm gon-na let you down 
 5   -5   -6  5-4
And leave you flat 
-5  -5  -5  -6  -6  -6  -6
Be-cause I told you be-fore, 
-6 -5   -5   -5 5-43
oh you can't do that 

 3     3    3  -4  -4   -4
Well, it's the sec-ond time 
 -4    4     4   -5  -5  -6 -4
I’ve caught you talk-ing to him 
3  3  -4  -4  -4  -4   4    4    4
Do I have to tell you one more time 
4  -5    -5  7 -6
I think it's a sin 
-5  -5   5*  -5   5  5-3*
I think I'll let you down 
 5   -5   -6  5 -4
And leave you flat 
-5  -5    -5   -6  -6  -6  -6
Be-cause I’ve told you be-fore, 
-6 -5   -5   -5 5-43
oh you can't do that 

3   3  -4  -5  -5* 6
Ev-‘ry-bod-y's green 
  -4    4   4   4   4  -4   -4   3
'Cause I'm the one who won your love 
 3  -4  -5  -5*6
But if it's seen 
 -5*     6   6   6    6
You're talk-ing that way  
  6     -6* -6* -6* -6*6
They'd laugh in my  face 

-55  -4   -4  -4  4  4
So please lis-ten to me 
4   4  -5  -5  -6   -4
If you wan-na stay mine 
3  -4    -4  -4  4    4
I can't help my feel-ings 
 4   4  -5  -5  7  -6
I'll go out of my mind 
-5 -5   5*  -5   5  5-3*
I know I'll let you down 
 5   -5   -6  5 -4
And leave you flat 
-5  -5    -5   -6  -6  -6  -6
Be-cause I’ve told you be-fore, 
-6 -5   -5   -5 5-43
oh you can't do that
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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