If I Had You (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

If I Had You (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Frank Sinatra
By; Ted Shapiro, Jimmy Campbell, Reg Connelly
Frank Sinatra
Key: Bb

-1 -1*   2   -2   -5   -5  5*   5
I could show the world how to smile
-5 -5   5*  5   -5  -5  5*   4 
I could be glad all of the while
-1 -1*    2    -2   -3   -3   3*  3
I could change the gray skies to blue
-3 -3 3*  3
If I had you
-1 -1*    2   -2  -2   -5  5*  55
I could leave the old days be-hind
 -5   -5  5*  5    5*  5* 5*  4  
Leave all my pals I'd nev-er mind
-1 -1*    2   -2  -3  3* 3
I could start my life a-new
3 -2  3  -3*
If I had you

-5  6    -5   6  -5    -3    -3*  -3*
I could climb a snow-capped moun-tain
 -3  -3*  -3  -3*-3 -2   2
Sail the might-y o-cean wide
-5  6    -5    6   -5  -3  -3* -3*
I could cross the burn-ing des-ert
-3-3* -3 -3* -3 -2  -1*
If I had you by my side
-1 -1*  2 -2  -5   -5  5*    5
I could be a king dear un-crowned
-5  -5  5*  5    -5  -5 5*   4
Hum-ble or poor rich or re-nowned
 -1  -1*  2   -2 -3  -3    3* 3
There is noth-ing I could-n't do
3 -2 -3*  -3*-33-3-3*3-2*-3*
If I had         you
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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