I’ll Get By (As Long As I Have You)chrom

I’ll Get By (As Long As I Have You)chrom

Автор мелодии: Harry James, Billie Holiday
I’LL GET BY (As Long As I Have You)
W: Roy Turk
M: Fred E. Ahlert
Harry James, Billie Holiday
Key: C

 1   -1  1
I'll get by 
-1   2  3 -5  4   -1
As long as I have you
 2    -2   -3  6  
Tho’ there be rain
-5   4    -4  -4
And dark-ness too
 4   -4  -3   -3
I'll not com-plain
 -4  -3  3     3
I'll see it through
 1  -1  1 -1   2   3  -5
Pov-er-ty may come to me, 
  4     -1
that’s true
 2   -2   -3  6
But what care I
-5    4    2  -4
Say, I'll get by
-3  3   -2 -3  6   5
As long as I have you
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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