Beep Beep (chromatic)

Beep Beep (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Playmates
By Carl Ciccetti & Donald Claps
The Playmates
Key: Fm

  1   -2   3* 3  1  -2  3*  3
While rid-ing in my Cad-il-lac 
 -2  3* 3   2   -2
What to my sur-prise 
1 -2  -2   3*   3   3
A lit-tle Nash Ram-bler 
 1  -2  -2   3* 3
Was fol-low-ing me 
1  -2   3*   3   2   -2
a-bout one third my size 
 4   4* -3*  -3*   3   3
The guy must have want-ed 
3* -3* 4   3* -2
it to pass me up 
3  3* -3*  3   2   -2   3   3*
As he kept on toot-ing his horn 

 1    -2   3*  3   1 -2   3*  3
I’ll show him that a Cad-dil-lac 
1  -2  3* 3  2   -2    1    -2   3*   3
Is not a car to scorn Beep Beep Beep Beep 
 1   -2   3*   3    2    -2
His horn went Beep Beep Beep 

 4   4*  4*  -3*    3   -3*  4   3* 
The fel-low rolled down his win-dow 
 3*  -3*    3  2  3   3*
And yelled for me to hear 
 4   4* -3* 3   3*-3* 4   3*  -2
Hey bud-dy how can I get this car 
 4  4* -5   6   -6
Out of sec-ond gear?
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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