After You

After You

Автор мелодии: Cole Porter
By: Cole Porter
Key: C

  -5*   6    7 -6   7    -6  7    7
Though with joy I should be reel-ing
-5*  6   -7   7   -7  7  -7
That at last you came my way,
   7*   -7  8   -7   8  -7   8   -7
There's no fur-ther use con-ceal-ing
 -5*  6   7   -5  -7   7    6
That I'm feel-ing far from gay,
-5*  6    7  -6   7  -6  7   7
For the rare al-lure a-bout you
 -5*  6  -7   6   -7*  6  -7
Makes me all the plain-er see
 7* -7 -9    8   -8 
How in-ane, how vain, 
-7   7* 7  -5*   6   -8  -7   -5   -5
how emp-ty life with-out you would be.

-5  5  -5    6
Af-ter you, who
 -5    5  -5  6  -7  7   6
Could sup-ply my sky of blue?
-5  5  -5    6   -5   6  7
Af-ter you, who could I love?
-5  5  -5    6
Af-ter you, why
  -5   5  -5   6   -8  -7  7
Should I take the time to try,
-5   5   -5    6    -9  8 -7
For who else could qual-i-fy
-7  6  -7   -8
Af-ter you, who?
 -7  7   -7  -7*  -9
Hold my hand and swear
  6     6  -6   7   -7  8
You'll nev-er cease to care,
 7   -6   7   7*   8    8     7* -6 -5
For with-out you there what could I do?
-5  5     -5     6
I could search years
-5   5   -5    6     -8   -7*  -7
But who else could change my tears
-9  9   -9  10  -9 10   9
In-to laugh-ter af-ter you?
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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