It’s Just A Matter Of Time (chromatic)

It’s Just A Matter Of Time (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Brook Benton, Randy Travis
By: Clyde Otis, Brook Benton,
    Belford Hendricks
Brook Benton, Randy Travis
Key: Eb

  7  -5*   -6  -5*
Some-day, some way, 
  -5*  7  8  -7*   7    8     -7*  -7*
you'll re-a-lize that you've been blind
 7   -6   -5*
Yes, dar-ling, 
  5    5  -5* 5   7   -6 5  -5*
you're go-ing to need me a-gain
 5    -5 -5* 7  -6  5   -6
It's just a mat-ter of time

7 -5*  -6 -5*
Go on, go on, 
-5* 7   8   -7*   7   8  -7* 7   -7*
Un-til you reach the end of the line
 7 -6  -5*   5     -5  5  7-6 5  -5*
But I know you'll pass my way a-gain
 -6   -6 -6  5  -3* 5   -5*
It's just a mat-ter of time

-5*-5*-5* -7*  7* 7*  7*  -7*  7* 7*
Af-ter I gave you ev-‘ry-thing I had
-5*    7     7    7    -6-5* -5*
You laughed and called me a clown
-5* -6  7  
7*  7*    7*    7  -7*  7*  -6   7*
in your search for for-tune and fame
 7*   -9  8   8     7   -6
What goes up must come down

7  -5* -6  -5*  7    8  -7*
I know, I know that one day 
   7     8 -7* -5*  7
you'll wake up and find
  7  -6  -5*  5 -5* -6   -5*
That my love was a true love
  7    7  7  5  -3* 5   -5*
It's just a mat-ter of time
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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