It’s Only Make Believe (chromatic)

It’s Only Make Believe (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Conway Twitty
By: Conway Twitty, Jack Nance
Key: C, D

Key: C

 1   1   1  1  1   -1   1
Peo-ple see us ev-'ry where 
 2     2    2    2  -2   2
They think you real-ly care 
-2  -2  -2  -2  -2   3  -2
But my self I can't de-ceive 
3   3    3  3  3   3   -3   3
I know it's on-ly make be-lieve 

3   3   3  3  -3    3 
My one and on-ly prayer 
-3  -3   -3  -3    -4    -3
Is that some-day you'll care 
-3   -3   -3   -3    -3   -3
My hope's my dreams come true 
-4 -4  -4  -4 -4 -4
My one and on-ly you 
5   5   5   5  -5  5
No one will ev-er know 
-5   -5 -5  -5   6  -5
How much I love you so 
6  6  6    6      6  6
My on-ly prayer will be 
 -6  -6    -6    -6  -6  -6
Some-day you'll care for me 
 6   -6  7  -6 6  
But it's on-ly  
-6 -5 6-5 6-55
Make  Be  lieve 

Key: D

-3   -3  -3   -3    -4   -3
My Hopes my dreams come true 
-4  -4  -4   -4   4* -4
My life I'd give for you 
-4   -4 -4 -4   -4   -4
My heart a wed-ding ring 
4*  4*  4* 4*  4*  4*
My all, my ev-‘ry-thing 
-5   -5 -5  -5    6   -5
My heart I can't con-trol 
 6    6  6   6 -6*  6
You rule my ver-y soul 
-6* -6*   -6* -6*  -6*   -6*
My plans, my hopes, my schemes 
 7   7  7  7   7    7
You are my ev-‘ry thing 
-6*  7   -7 7 -6* 7 6 -6* -6*6-5
But it's on-ly make   be- lieve
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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