Among My Souvenirs (chromatic)

Among My Souvenirs (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland
W: Edgar Leslie
M: Horatio Nichols
Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland
Key: Eb
  3      3   -3*  -3*  3* 3*
There's noth-ing left for me,  
3*  3*    4    4 -3* -3*
of days that used to be. 
-3*-3* -5*-5* -5-5 4  4  -3* -3* 3*  3
I live in mem-o-ry a-mong my sou-ve-nirs. 
 3    3  -3*   -3*  3*   3*
Some let-ters tied with blue, 
3* 3* 4    4  -3* -3*
a pho-to-graph or two. 
-3*-3*-5* -5*  -5  -5  4  4  -3* -3* 3*  3
I  see a rose from you a-mong my sou-ve-nirs. 

3  3* -3*  4   -6   -6
A few more to-kens rest,  
-5*  -5  5  -5*  3    -3*
with-in my trea-sure chest. 
-1* -2    3   3*  -5    -5 
And tho’ they do their best  
4   -3* 3*  3 -1* 3   -2*
to give me con-so-la-tion, 
3   3    -3* -3* 3* 3*
I count them all a-part,  
 3* 3*  4   4    -3*   -3*
and as the tear-drops start, 
-3*-3*-5*-5* -5   -5   4  4   -5  4 -3* -5*
I find a bro-ken heart a-mong my sou-ve-nirs. 

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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