Till The Morning Comes (12th pos.)

Till The Morning Comes (12th pos.)

Автор мелодии: Neil Young
By: Neil Young
Key: G

This song is tabbed on a D diatonic

 4   4  4    4   4  -3”   4    4  -4   -4  
I'm gon-na give you till the morn-ing comes,
 -4  -4   -4  -5    5 
Till the morn-ing comes
 -4  -4   -4  -5    5
Till the morn-ing comes
 4  4  4    4   4  -3”   4    4  -4    -4 
I'm on-ly wait-ing till the morn-ing comes
 -4  -4   -4  -5    5
Till the morn-ing comes
 -4  -4   -4  -5    5 
Till the morn-ing comes
 7   7   7   7   7   -6   7    7  -8    -8
I'm gon-na give you till the morn-ing comes,
 -8  -8   -8  -9    8
Till the morn-ing comes
 -8  -8   -8  -9    8
Till the morn-ing comes
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: G

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