Автор мелодии: Jack Judge/John McCormack
In the western world perhaps the most popular soldiers song beside
"Lilli Marleen".
<- means draw slide in
Intro: 5 -5 6 5 -5 5 (my idea)
1. Verse: 5 6 -5 5 -3 3 2
Up to mig-hty Lon-don came
-2 3 -3 3 2 3
An I-rish lad one day
5 6 -5 5 -3 3 2
All the streets were paved with gold
-2 3 3 3 <-2 3
So ev-ery-one was gay
5 6 -5 5 -3 3 2 -2
sing-ing songs of Pi-ca-dil-ly
3 3 3 3 -4
Strand and Lei-caster Square
5 6 -5 5 -3 -4 -3 -4
'til Pad-dy got ex-ci-ted and
5 -4 -3 -4 5 -5
He shou-ted to them there:
Refrain: 2 -2 3 3 3 -3 -4 5 6
It's a long way to Tip-pe-ra-ry
6 -5 5 -3 5 3
It's a long way to go
2 -2 3 3 3 -3 -4 5 6
It's a long way to Tip-pe.ra-ry
5 5 -5 -3 -4 5 -5
To the swee-test girl I know
3 3 -3 -4 5 6 -6 -3 5 -5 6
Good-bye Pi-ca-dil-ly Far-well Lei-caster Square
5 -5 6 6 6 5 -5 5 -3 3
It's a long, long way to Tip-pe-ra-ry
5 -5 6 5 -5 5
but my heart is right there.
Or: 5 6 5 -5 5
but my heart's right there.
2. Verse: Paddy wrote a letter
To his Irish Molly O',
Saying, "Should you not receive it,
Write and let me know!
If I make mistakes in "spelling",
Molly dear", said he,
"Remember it's the pen, that's bad,
Don't lay the blame on me".
It's a long way . . . .
3. Verse: Molly wrote a neat reply
To Irish Paddy O',
Saying, "Mike Maloney wants
To marry me, and so
Leave the Strand and Piccadilly,
Or you'll be to blame,
For love har fairly drove me silly,
Hoping you're the same!"
It's a long way . . . .
The inhabitants of "Big Apple" look here for an special
"It's a long way to Tipperary" by Frank Patterson.
And this is the Refrain-Version of British soldiers in WW 1:
That's the wrong way to tickle Marie,
That's the wrong way to kiss!
Don't you know that over here, lad,
They like it best like this!
Hooray pour le Francais!
Farewell, Angleterre!
We didn't know the way to tickle Marie,
But we learned how, over there!