

Автор мелодии: Ian Hunter
By: Ian Hunter
Key: Ab, B, F

Key: Ab

3*   4    4   4   4
We walked to the sea, 
-3*  3* -3* -3*  3* -3*   
just my fa-ther and me
 4*  4   3*  -3* 4  4   4    
And the dogs played a-round 
-3* 4  3*-1*-2
in the  sand.
 3* -3*  4    4   4   4
Win-ter cold cut the air, 
 -3*  3*  -3* -3*  -3* -3*
Hang-ing still ev-‘ry-where
  4*    4   3*  -3* 4   4
Dressed in gray did he say 
-3*  3*  -6
hold my hand?
4   4    4*   -5*  4
I said love's eas-ier 
 3*  -2*  -2*-2  4*
when it's far a-way
-3*-3*  4    4*     4  -3*  3*    3
We sat and watched the dis-tant lights.

Key: B

  3*  -3*   -4   -4   -3* -4  4*  3*  
We're two ships that pass in the night
 3* -3*  -4   4*  -4 -3*  -4  4*   3*
And we smile when we say it's al-right.
 3*    -3*   -4 
We're still here, 
-6*   -6*  -6*  -6*   6 -5* -4-2*3* 
it's just that we're out of  sight
 3*   -3*   -4    -4   4*  -4 -6* -5*4*4
Like those ships that pass in the night.

Key: Ab

  3*   -3*  4  4   4   4
There's a boat on the line 
 -3*   3* -3*  -3*  -3* -3*
where the sea meets the sky.
  4*    4   3* -3*  4    4   -3* 4 3*-1*-2 
There's an-oth-er that rides far be-hind.
 3* -3*  4    4   4  4
And it seems you and I 
-3*  3*   -3*   -3* 4  4*
are like strang-ers a wide
 4  -3* 3* -3* 4    4   -3*  3*     -6
Ways a-part as we drift on through time.
5   5    5*  -5*  4   3*  -2*  -2* -2 4*
He said it's hard-er now we're far a-way
-3*-3* 4  4*   4   -3*  3*   3
We on-ly read you when you write.

Key: B
 3*   -3*  -4    -4  -3*  -4  4*  3*
We're two ships that pass in the night
 3* -3*  -4   4*  -4 -3*  -4  4*  3*
And we smile when we say it's al-right.
 3*    -3*   -4
We're still here, 
-6*   -6*  -6*  -6*   6  -5* -4-2*3*
It's just that we're out of   sight
 3*   -3*   -4    -4   4*  -4 -6*  5*
Like those ships that pass in the night.

Key: F
 -5     6   -6    -6   6   5  -3   -5
We're just ships that pass in the night
-5  6   -6    7   -6  6   -6  7   -5
And we smile when we say it's al-right.
 -5     6    -6
We're still here, 
 -6   -6   -6    6    7  6  -66-5
It's just that we're out of sight
 -5    6    -6    6    -6   7  7  -6 6
Like those ships that pass in the night.

 -5     6   -6    -6   6   5  -3   -5
We're just ships that pass in the night
-5  6   -6    7   -6  6   -6  7   -5
And we smile when we say it's al-right.
 -5     6    -6
We're still here, 
 -6   -6   -6    6    7  6  -66-5
It's just that we're out of sight
 -5    6    -6    6    -6   7  7  -6 6
Like those ships that pass in the night.
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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