The Coming Of The Roads

The Coming Of The Roads

Автор мелодии: Judy Collins, Peter, Paul Mary
By: Billy Ed Wheeler
Judy Collins, Peter, Paul & Mary
Key: A

5*   -5   5*  -4   5*  6   -7  -3
Now that our moun-tain is grow-ing
-3   -3  -4  -4   5* -5    5*
With peo-ple hun-gry for wealth
5*   -5   5*  -4    5*   6 -7-8 -7
How come it's you that's a-'go-ing
-7  -7   -7 -7  -7 -6* 6   6
And I'm left a-lone by my-self

5*  -5  5*  -4   5*  6   -7   -3
We used to hunt the cool cav-erns
-3   -3 -4  -4   5* -5   5*
Deep in our for-est of green
5*    -5   5*  -4   5*  6  -7  -7
Then came the road and the tav-erns
-7  -7    -7 -7 -7   -7  -7 7-6*6   
And you found a new love it seems

8*  -8 -8  -8  -6* -7  7-6*   6
Once I had you and the wild wood
-6* -6*    6   6  -5  5*
Now it's just dust-y road
6   6   8*   -8   8*   10  -8   10  -98*-8-6*
And I can't help from blam-ing your go- ing
-6*-6* -8  -6*  -6*  7   7  -7 -8   -7
On the com-ing, the com-ing of the roads

Look how they've cut all to pieces
Our ancient poplar and oak
And the hillsides are stained with the greases
That burned up the heavens with smoke

You used to curse the bold crewmen
Who stripped the earth of its ores
Now you've changed and you've gone over to them
And You've learned to love what you hated before

Once I thanked God for my treasures
Now like rust, it corrodes
I can't help bur blaming you going
On the coming, the coming of the roads
Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: A

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