Ring Out, Ye Wild And Merry Bells (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

Ring Out, Ye Wild And Merry Bells (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Christmas Carol
By: C. Maitland
Christmas Carol
Key: C
6/8 time

 3    4   -5  -4   3   4  -5   -4
Ring out, ye wild and mer-ry bells,
 3   4-4 -3  3 2   1  -1  1
Ring out the old, old sto-ry,
 3     4   -5   -4  3  4  -5    -4
That first was told by an-gel tongues,
 4   -5   3    4    -4 -3  3
From out the realms of glo-ry.
  -4  4    -4  -3    3     -3   -4
Peace on earth was their sweet song,
-4  4  -4  3   -3  -4
Glo-ry in the high-est!
 4  4  4  -3  -3   -5  -5 -4
Ech-o-ing all the hills a-way,
 6  6  5   5   -5   5
Glo-ry in the high-est!


  5    -5     5     -4 -3*-3 3  4
Ring, sweet bells, ring ev- er more,
 -3   -3* -3  -2   3   -3
Peal from ev-‘ry steep-le,
  -5   -5   -4   -4   6   6   5
Christ the Lord shall be our God,
-3  3-3  -4  5   6  -5   5  
And we shall be His peo-ple.

2. Ring out, ye silv'ry bells, ring out,
Ring out your exultation;
That God with man is reconciled
Go tell it to the nations.
Therefore let us all today,
Glory in the highest!
Banish sorrow far away,
Glory in the highest! [Chorus]

3. Ring out, ye brazen bells, ring out,
With tones of great rejoicing,
Attune Redemption's hymn of praise,
And songs of peace be voicing,
Tho' the sound of strife may roar,
Glory in the highest!
Peace shall reign from shore to shore,
Glory in the highest! [Chorus]

4. Ring out, ye mellow'd bells, ring out,
O joy! All joys excelling,
A joy for nations far and wide,
Forevermore be telling.
Love divine to all He brings,
Glory in the highest!
Peace and healing in His wings,
Glory in the highest! [Chorus]
Жанр: Рождественские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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