The Windmills Of Your Mind (chromatic)

The Windmills Of Your Mind (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Dusty Springfield, Sting
W: Marilyn & Alan Bergman
M: Michael Legrand
Dusty Springfield, Sting
From: “The Thomas Crown Affair”
Key: G

  6    -4 -4  4   4  -4 -4 6   6
Round like a cir-cle in a spi-ral 
 -4 -4   7    7  -6* 6  -6*
Like a wheel with-in a wheel 
-4  -4  4   4  -4 -4 -6* -6*
Nev-er end-ing or be-gin-ing 
-4 -4 -7 -7  7   -6*   7
On an ev-er spin-ning reel 
 6   6  -6*  -6*  6   6  -8   -8
Like a snow-ball down a moun-tain 
6  6 -9  -9  8  -8    8
Or a car-ni-val bal-loon 
 -5 -5  6  6  -5    -5    -7  -7
Like a car-ou-sel that's turn-ing 
-5   -5    8   8  -8   -7   -8
Run-ning rings a-round the moon 

  5  5   -5   -5     5    5    7    7
Like a clock who's hands are sweep-ing 
 5    5  -8   -8  -7  7   -7
Past the min-utes of its face 
-4  -4    4   4   -4  -4 -6*-6*
And the world is like an ap-ple 
 -4   -4  -7  -7  7  -6*  7 
Whirl-ing si-lent-ly in space 
-3*  -3*  7   7    -6*  6   -6*
Like the cir-cles that you find 
-4 -4   -6*  -6*  6  -5*   6
In the wind-mills of your mind 

 -4 -4  4   4   -4  -4   6   6
Like a tun-nel that you fol-low 
-4 -4 7   7 -6*  6  -6*
To a tun-nel of its own 
 -4 -4  4   4  -4-4 -6* -6*
Down a hol-low to a tav-ern 
 -4   -4  -7  -7   7  -6*  7
Where the sun has nev-er shone 
  6  6  -6*  -6*   6   6   -8  -8
Like a door that keeps re-volv-ing 
6  6  -9  -9   8  -8    8 
In a half for-got-ten dream 
-5 -5   6   6    -5 -5 -7  -7
or the rip-ples from a peb-ble 
 -5  -5    8  8  -8 -7  -8
Some-one toss-es in a stream 

  5  5   -5   -5     5    5    7    7
Like a clock who's hands are sweep-ing 
 5    5  -8   -8  -7  7   -7
Past the min-utes of its face 
-4  -4    4   4   -4  -4 -6*-6*
And the world is like an ap-ple 
 -4   -4  -7  -7  7  -6*  7 
Whirl-ing si-lent-ly in space 
-3*  -3*  7   7    -6*  6   -6*
Like the cir-cles that you find 
-4 -4   -6*  -6*  6  -5*   6
In the wind-mills of your mind 

 -4   -4   4   4  -4  -4    6  6
Keys that jin-gle in your pock-et 
 -4    -4   7   7  -6*  7   -7
Words that jan-gle in your head 
-5  -5   6   6  -5 -5  -7   -7
Why did sum-mer go so quick-ly ? 
-5  -5  -6*  -6*    7  -7   -8
Was it some-thing that you said ? 
 7   7   -7 -7  -7  7  -9
Lov-ers walk a-long a shore 
-9    7     7    -10  -10   10 -9   10
And leave their foot prints in the sand 
-6* -6*  7   7  -6*  -7*  8*   8*  
Is the sound of dis-tant drum-ming 
-6*  -6* 10   10  -9  9*   -9
Just the fin-gers of your hand ? 

-6*  -6*   -8  -8  -7 -7 -8  -8
Pic-tures hang-ing in a hall-way 
 6   6   7*   7*  -7 -8  8
And the frag-ment of a song 
 -5  -5  6    6    -5   -5  -7  -7
Half re-mem-bered names and fac-es 
-5  -5  -6* -6*  7  -7  -8
But to whom do they be-long ? 
  5   5   -5   -5  5   5  7  7
When you knew that it was ov-er 
 5   5   -8  -8  -7 7  -7
you were sud-den-ly a-ware 
  7   7  -6* -6*    6     6    7   7
That the au-tumn leaves were turn-ing 
-6* -6* 6  6 -5* -5*   6
To the col-or of her hair! 

 -4 -4  4   4  -4 -4 6   6
Like a cir-cle in a spi-ral 
 -4 -4   7    6  -6* 6  -6*
Like a wheel with-in a wheel 
-4  -4  4   4  -4 -4 -6* -6*
Nev-er end-ing or be-gin-ing 
-4 -4 -7 -7   7   -6*   7
On an ev-er spin-ning reel 
-3*-3* 7  7 -6*  6   7
As the im-a-ges un-wind 
 -4  -4   7    7   -6*  6   -6*
Like the cir-cles that you find 
-4 -4   -6*  -6*  6   -5* 67-8
In the wind-mills of your mind.
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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