Till There Was You (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

Till There Was You (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: from: "The Music Man"
By: Meredeth Willson
From: “Music Man”
Key: Eb 

  3    3*   -3*  3   3* -3*
There were bells on the hill,  
 3  3*-3* 3*  -5*    4   -3*  3*
But I nev-er heard them ring-ing. 
-1*-2  3*  3   -5   -5  4*  4
No  I nev-er heard them at all, 
 -1   -1*  -2  -3*
Till there was you. 
  3    3*   -3*  3   3* -3*
There were birds in the sky 
 3  3*-3* 3* -5*  4    -3*  3*
But I nev-er saw them wing-ing 
-1*-2  3* 3  -5   -5  4*  4
No, I nev-er saw them at all 
 -1   -1*  -2  -1*
Till there was you. 
 3   -3*  -5  -6 -5*
And there was mus-ic  
-1*   -1   -1* -6  -6  -5*  4 -3*
And there were won-der-ful ros-es, 
  3   4*  -5  4*   4   -3*  3*
They tell me, in sweet fra-grant 
  3 -1*  3   -2   4  -2*
mea-dows of dawn and dew. 
  3    3*  -3*  3  3* -3*
There was love all a-round 
 3  3*-3* 3*  -5*  4  -3*   3*
But I nev-er heard it sing-ing. 
-1*-2  3*  3   -5  -5 4*  4
No, I nev-er heard it at all, 
 -1   -1*  -2  -1*
Till there was you.

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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