Daddy’s Hands

Daddy’s Hands

Автор мелодии: Holly Dunn
By Holly Dunn
Key: D

-5 6 -6* -6* -6* -6*   -6*
I re-mem-ber dad-dy's hands 
6    -5 6    6  6  -5  -6*
Fold-ed si-lent-ly in prayer
6    6    -5  -5  5*  -5  -4
and reach-ing out to hold me 
-5  -5 -5  6  -6*    6 
when I had a night-mare
-5    6    -6*  -6* -6*-6* 6
you could read quite a sto-ry 
-5 -5   6    6  6  -5   -6*
in the cal-lous-es and lines
6     -5  -5  -5  -5  -3
years of work and wor-ry 
-5   -5    5*   -4  5*  -5
had left their mark be-hind

|-5 -7 -9 |-10* 11…| -10*11-10*-9 10-10*109* |
|-9…-6*7-7 |-9

-5 6 -6* -6* -6* -6*   -6*
I re-mem-ber dad-dy's hands 
6    -5   6   6   6  -5  -6*
how they held my mom-ma tight
6    6  -5  -5  5*  -5   -5    6    -6*   6
and pat-ted my back for some-thing done right
-5     6    -6*   -6* -6*  -6* -6*  6
there are things that I've for-got-ten 
-5  -5   6   6  6   -5  -6*
that I loved a-bout the man
6    6    6  -5  -5 -5  -3
but I'll al-ways re-mem-ber 
-5   -5  5* -4   5*   -5
the love in dad-dy's hands

|-5 -7 -9 |-10* 11…| -10*11-10*-9 10-10*109* |
|-9…-6*7-7 |-9

-6*  -7   -7    -5   -6* -7   -8
Dad-dy's hands were soft and kind 
-8  -8 -7  -7  -6*
when I was cry-ing
-6*  -7   -7    -5   -6* -7   7
Dad-dy's hands were hard as steel 
7    -6*  -5    6
when I'd done wrong
-6   6    -5     -5    -5   6   6  -6*  
Dad-dy's hands weren't al-ways gen-tle 
-6*  6    -5  -4 -5 -6*   6
but I've come to un-der-stand
-5     6 -6*  7    -6* -5  6   5*   -5
there was al-ways love in dad-dy's hands

-5 6 -6* -6* -6* -6*   -6*
I re-mem-ber dad-dy's hands 
6     6   6   -5   -6*
Work-ing til they bled
6   -5   -5  5*  -5  -5  -4
Sac-ri-ficed un-self-ish-ly 
-5   -5  -5  6  -6*  6
just to keep us all fed
6 -6* -6* -6*   -6* -6* 6
If I could do things ov-er, 
6     6  6    6 -5 -6*
I'd live my life a-gain
6    6  -5  -5  -5    -5  -3
and nev-er take for grant-ed 
-5 -6*6-5-4-3 -5  6   5*   6-5 
the   love    in dad-dy's hands

|-7 -9 10 |-10*…11…|
-10*11-10*-9 10-10*109* |-9…-6*7-7 |-9……|

-6*  -7   -7    -5   -6* -7   -8
Dad-dy's hands were soft and kind 
-8  -8 -7  -7  -6*
when I was cry-ing
-6*  -7   -7    -5   -6* -7   7
Dad-dy's hands were hard as steel 
7    -6*  -5    6
when I'd done wrong
-6   6    -5     -5    -5   6   6  -6*  
Dad-dy's hands weren't al-ways gen-tle 
-6*  6    -5  -4 -5 -6*   6
but I've come to un-der-stand
-5     6 -6*  7    -6* -5  6   5*   -5
there was al-ways love in dad-dy's hands
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: D

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