Автор мелодии: Ella Fitzgerald
W: Johnny Burke
M: Jimmy Van Heusen
Ella Fitzgerald
Key: Eb
-1-1*-2 3 3 -3* 3* 3*
Im-ag-i-na-tion is fun-ny,
4 -3* -3* -3* 4 4* -3*-3*
it makes a cloud-y day sun-ny
3* 3* 3* -3* 4 3* 3*
Makes a bee think of hon-ey
4 -3* 3 -3* 3* -2
just as I think of you
-1-1*-2 3 3 -3* 3* 3*
Im-ag-i-na-tion is cra-zy,
4 -3* -3* -3* 4 4* -3*-3*
your whole per-spec-tive gets ha-zy
3* 3* 3* -3* 4 3* 3*
Starts you ask-ing a dai-sy
4 -3* 3 -3* 3 -2
"what to do, what to do? "
-1* -2 3 3* -3* 4 -5 -5 -3
Have you ev-er felt a gen-tle touch
-3* 4 4 3
and then a kiss
-3 -3* -3 2
And then and then,
-2 -3* -3 -3* 4
find it's on-ly your
-5-5*-5*-3 -3* 4 -3*
im-ag-i-na-tion a-gain?
4 -2*
Oh, well
-1-1*-2 3 3 -3* 3* 3*
Im-ag-i-na-tion is sil-ly,
4 -3*-3* -3* 4 4* -3*-3*
you go a-round wil-ly-nil-ly
3* 3* 3* -3* 4 3* 3* 3* -3 -3* 3
For ex-am-ple I go a-round want-ing you
-3* 3* 3 -2 -2 -2 3
And yet I can't im-ag-ine
3* -2 -2 3 -1*
that you want me, too