above all (tremolo)

above all (tremolo)

Автор мелодии: Michael W Smith
for you diatonic players check out shotokando's version on this

3  4   5  -4 -3  -2 -2  -3   4
Above all powers above all kings
3  4   5  -4  -3  -4  5  -4 -3 3   3
above all nature and all created things
2  2   3  -3  -3 -4   5  -4   4   2  -3 4
above all wisdom and all the ways of ma-an
-2   -2    -2  4  -4   4    -2  3  -1
you were there before the world began
3  4   5  -4 -3    -2 -2 -3     4
above all kingdoms above all thrones
3  4   5  -4  -3  -4    5   -4  -3 3   3
above all wonders the world has ever known
2  2   3    -3   -4   5  -4    4   2  -3 4
above all wealth and treasures of the earth
-2      -2 -2  4  -4   4    -2   3     -1
there's no way to measure what you're worth
6  -5 -6    -5  6 -6  6   6
crucified laid behind a stone
 -5   6   -5  -6 -5 -5 6  -6  6 6   
you lived to die rejected and alone
 6  -5  5    6  -5    5  -4  -3 3
like a rose trampled on the ground
5    5    -3  4    4     5    -5 5  -4 -3 -4  5
you took the fall and thought of me  a-bo ve all
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Тремоло
Сложность: Для начинающих

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