Beauty And The Beast — HARMONICA.RU

Beauty And The Beast

-3   5  6  -6  <-3
Tale as old as time,
 -3   5  6 -6   7
true as it can be.
 -6   7 -7   <-7    8
Bare-ly  e - ven friends,
  8  <-7  -7  7   -6
then some-bod-y bends
<-7 -7   -6   -5   5
 -3  5  6  -6   <-3
Just a lit-tle change.
 -3    5  6  -6    7
Small to say the least.
 -7  7  -7  8    -6
Both a lit-tle scared,
-6    6  -6  -7   <-3
nei-ther one pre-pared.
 -7 <-7  7  -7    -6
Beau-ty and the Beast.
-6  7  -7  <-7   8
Ev-er just the same.
-5  6 -6  -9    8 
Ev-er  a  sur-prise.
-6  7 -7 <-7  8
Ev-er as be-fore,
 8 <-7 -7   7  -6
ev-er just as sure
-6  7  -7   -6    7
as the sun will rise.
 -4  -5 <-6  7   5
Tale as old as time.
 -4  -5 <-6  7  -7
Tune as old as song.
 7  -7    -8   8     -9
Bit-ter-sweet and strange,
 -9   8  -8  -7     7
find-ing you can change,
  8   -8  -7    7    -5
learn-ing you were wrong.
-4   -5  <-6  7   5
Cer-tain as  the sun
-4  -5  <-6  7   -7
ris-ing in  the East.
 -8  -7 -8  -9   7
Tale as old as time,
  7  <-6  7  -8   5
song as  old as rhyme.
 -8   8 -7  -8    7
Beau-ty and the Beast.
 -8  -7 -8  -9   7
Tale as old as time,
  7  <-6  7  -8   5
song as  old as rhyme.
 -8   8 -7  -8    7
Beau-ty and the Beast
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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