Zombie (chromatic)

Zombie (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Cranberries
By: Dolores O’Riordan
The Cranberries
Key: Em

6  -5  -4  -4 -5 4   -4-3-3
An-oth-er head hangs low-ly 
 -3   -4  -3  3  -3 -2*
Child is slow-ly tak-en 
 2   6  -5   -4    -4 -5  4   -4  -3
And the vi-‘lence caused such si-lence 
 4  -4  -3  3  -3 -2*
Who are we mis-tak-en 
-6* -6*  6   6   -6* 6
But you see it's not me, 
  6  -6* 7   6 -6* 7 
It's not my fam-i-ly  

7   -6* -5-4  7   -6*  -5 
In your head, in your head 
 7    7   -7   -6*
they are fight-ing 
 7    -6*    6    6   -6*    6
With their tanks and their bombs 
 6   -6*    6     6   -6*   6
And their bombs, and their guns
7   -6* -5-4  7   -6*  -5
In your head, in your head 
 7    7  -7  -6*
they are cry-ing  

-6* -6*  7  6 -6* -7 7-776
In your head, in your head 
 6-6*-5   6-6*-5   6-6*-6*
Zom-bie, zom-bie, zom-bie 
-6*-7-6*   -6*  -6*  -6* 7 6
Hey, hey. What's in your head,
-6* -7 7-776 
in your head.
 6-6*-5   6-6*-5   6-6*-6*
Zom-bie, zom-bie, zom-bie 
-6*-7 -6*-7 -6*-7 6
Hey,  hey,  hey,  oh.

6  -5  -4 -4 -5 4   -4 -3 -3  -3 4
An-oth-er moth-er's break-in’ heart 
-4 -3   3  -3 -2*
is tak-ing  o-ver 
 2    6  -5   -4   -4 -5 4 -4  -3
When the vi-‘lence caus-es si-lence 
4   -4  -3  3  -3 -2*
We must be mis-tak-en  
 -6* -6*  6   6 -6* 6  
It's the same old theme 
  6 -6* 7   6   -6*  7
since nine-teen-six-teen 

7   -6* -5-4  7   -6*  -5 
In your head, in your head 
   7      7    -7   -6*
They’re still fight-ing 
 7    -6*    6    6   -6*    6
With their tanks and their bombs 
 6   -6*    6     6   -6*   6
And their bombs, and their guns
7   -6* -5-4  7   -6*  -5
In your head, in your head 
 7    7  -7 -6*
they are dy-ing  

-6* -6*  7  6 -6* -7 7-776
In your head, in your head 
 6-6*-5   6-6*-5   6-6*-6*
Zom-bie, zom-bie, zom-bie 
-6*-7-6*   -6*  -6*  -6* 7 6
Hey, hey. What's in your head,
-6* -7 7-776 
in your head.
 6-6*-5   6-6*-5   6-6*-6*
Zom-bie, zom-bie, zom-bie 
-6*-7 -6*-7 -6*-7 6

Hey,  hey,  hey,  oh.
76  76  76  76  76  76 
oh  oh  oh  oh  oh  oh 
6-6*-5 -4 -4-3-4
Hey oh ya,  ya
Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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