

Автор мелодии: Annie Lennox/Eurythmics

Key of C

5 -4 4 4 -4 4 5 -4 4 4 -4 -3b 4 4

 -5  -5 -5  -5   5 -5b
How man-y times do I 

 -5  5   -5  4  -5   -5
have to try to tell you 

 -5   -5  -5 -5b
That I'm sor-ry 

 5   -4   -4     4   5
for the things I've done 

-3b  -5 -5   -5  -5  -5 -5  -5   -5
But when I start to try to tell you 

  -5    -5   -5  -5  -5  -5  -5
That's when you have to tell me 

 -5   -5   -5  -5  -5  -5b
Hey, this kind of trou-ble's 

 5 -4  -4   4  5
on-ly just be-gun 

5 -4 4 -6b -6b -4 4

-5b -5b -5b  -5b -5b -5b -5b -5b
I  tell  my-self too man-y times 

-5b  -5b  -5b -5b -5b -5b -6b
Why don't you ev-er learn to 

 -6b  -5  -5b   5     5
keep your big mouth shut 

 -5b   -5b -5b -5b -5b -5b
That's why it hurts so bad 

-3b -5b -5b  -5b
to hear the words 

 -3b  -5b -6b -6b  -5  -5b   5    5
That keep on fall-ing from your mouth 

  5   5    5   -5    5
Fall-ing from your mouth 

  5   5    5   -6b   5
Fall-ing from your mouth 

 -4   4  5 -4  4  4  -4  4 -4 4 4 -4
Tell me Why 


Verse 2 same as 1
I may be mad I may be blind 
I may be vi-cious-ly un-kind 
But I can still read what you're think-ing 
And I've heard it said too man-y times 
That you'd be bet-ter off Be-sides 
Why can't you see this boat is sink-ing 
Let's go down to the wa-ter's edge 
And we can cast a-way those doubts 
Some things are bet-ter left un-said 

But they still turn me in-side out 
Turn-ing in-side out turn-ing in-side out 
Tell me Why Tell me Why 

 -5  -5  -5  -5 -5  -5 -5  -5
This is the book I nev-er read 
  -5   -5  5   -5  -5  -5 -5  -5
These are the words I nev-er said 

 -5  -5  5   -5   -5   -5 -5   4
This is the path I'll nev-er tread 

  -5   -5  5    -5    -5    -5  -5   4
These are the dreams I'll dream in-stead 

 -5  -5  5   -5   5     -5  -5    4
This is the joy that's sel-dom spread 

 -5    -5  5    -5   5    -5  -5   4
These are the tears the tears we shed 

 -5  -5  5   -5   -5  -5  5   -5
This is the fear this is the dread 

  -5   -5  5   -5  -5   -5 -5  4
These are the con-tents of my head 

   7   7  -6b   7   -6b    7    -5
these are the years that we’ve spent 

  7 -6b   7   -6b  7  7   -5
this is what they rep-re-sent 

 7  -6b  7  7  -5
this is how I feel 

-5 -6b   7   7  7  -5
Do you know how I feel 

   -5  -5  -6b   7   -6b   7 
'Cause I don't think you know how I feel 

-5  5     -5   5   -5   -5 -5   4
I don't think you know what I feel 

-5  5     -5   5   -5   -5 -5   4
I don't think you know what I feel 

You don't know what I feel

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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