Walking In The Sunshine

Walking In The Sunshine

Автор мелодии: Roger Miller
By: Roger Miller
Key: F

 -3   3* -3  3* -3    1
Walk-ing In The Sun-shine, 
 -3  3* -3  3* -3    1    3
Sing a lit-tle sun-shine song,
 3  3   3   -2 3   1    3
Put a smile up-on your face 
-2  3   -2     3    2   -2
as if there's noth-ing wrong.

 -3   3  -3  3  1    -2  -3  4  -3   3  -23-2
Think a-bout a good time had a long time a-go,
 -3* -3* -3* -3* -1   -1
Think a-bout for-get-ting 
-1 -2   -2   4   -3* -3   -2   3-2
a-bout your wor-ries and your woes,

 -3  -2  -3 -3  -2    1
Walk-ing In The Sun-shine, 
 3   3  3   3   2    1    -2
Sing a lit-tle sun-shine song.
-6 -6  6 -5 5  -6  -2
La la la la la dee oh, 
 -3* -3* -3*  -2   -2  3  -2  3   -3
Wheth-er the weath-er be rain or snow,

-6   -6   6  -5   4   -3  -2
Pre-tend-ing can make it real,
-1  3 -3 -1   2   -2  -3    3    1  -1   2
A snow-y pas-ture, a green and grass-y field.
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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