Try To Remember (chromatic)

Try To Remember (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Kingston Trio, Harry Belafonte
W: Tom Jones
M: Harvey Schmidt
From: “The Fantastics”
Harry Belafonte, The Kingston Trio
Key: G

-8  -8 -8 -8  -7   7    5  5   5   5  -5
Try to re-mem-ber the kind of Sep-tem-ber 
 6    -5  -4   7   -5  6   5  -7   6
When life was slow and oh, so mel-low. 

-8  -8 -8 -8  -7   7   5   5   5   5  -5
Try to re-mem-ber the kind of Sep-tem-ber 
 6    -5   -4    7   -5    6    5  -7   6
When grass was green and grain was yel-low. 
-9  -9 -9 -9   8  -8    8  8   8   8  -8
Try to re-mem-ber the kind of Sep-tem-ber 
 -7  -8   -8 -8 -8  -7   7  -7   6  -6* -5
When you were a ten-der and cal-low fel-low. 
-8  -8 -8 -8  -7    7  5   5  5   5  -5 
Try to re-mem-ber, and if you re-mem-ber, 
  6  -8   7 
Then fol-low.

-8   7   -8   7   -8   7   -8   7
Fol-low, fol-low, fol-low, fol-low,
-8   7   -8   7   -8   7   -8   7
fol-low, fol-low, fol-low, fol-low
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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