Toot, Toot, Tootsie! (Goodbye!)

Toot, Toot, Tootsie! (Goodbye!)

Автор мелодии: Al Jolson, Brenda Lee
Авторы: Gus Kahn, Ernie Erdman, Dan Russo, Ted Fiorito
Из фильма: "The Jazz Singer"

 8     -7    8   -7   8   -7
Toot, Toot, Toot-sie good-bye, 
 7     6     7    6    7   -5
Toot, Toot, Toot-sie don't cry.
-4   5    6     7    7     7
The choo-choo train that takes 
-4 -4 -5  -6  -7
me a-way from you, 
-7  -7    7   -8  -6* -7  7   -7   -8
no words can tell how sad it makes me. 
 8   -7   8   -7    8   -7
Kiss me, Toot-sie, and then 
7  6  7  6  7  -5 
do it o-ver a-gain. 
  8   -8  -7*  -7
Watch for the mail,
 8   -8 -7*  -7
I'll nev-er fail, 
5   7   -6*  -6  6  7  -6*
if you don't get a let-ter 
 -6    6     7   -6* -6  6
then you'll know I'm in jail.
 8   -7    8   -7    8   -7
Tut, Tut, Toot-sie don't cry, 
 7     6     7    6   7    8
Toot, Toot, Toot-sie good-bye!

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Джаз

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