Tishomingo Blues

Tishomingo Blues

Автор мелодии: Spencer Williams
-5   -5   -4  -4 -4 -4  -3
I'm goin' to Tish-o-min-go, 
3    3    3   3  2  -1
Be-cause I'm sad to-day,
3  -3  3  -3* -3  
I wish to lin-ger, 
 3   -3   3  -3* -3  3
way down old Dix-ie way.
-2*-3 -2* 2   -1     2   -2* -3  -3
Oh my wea-ry heart cries out in pain,
-3* -4 -5 -4   -3  3 -3   -4 -5  -5
Oh how I wish that I was back a-gain,
 -2* -3 -3   3 -3  -3
With a race, in a place,
 -5    -1   2   -2  -2*  -3  -2*  2   -1
Where they make you wel-come all the time,
-5   -5  -4 -4  -4 -4  -3
Way down in Mis-si-sip-pi,
3  3    3  3    2     -1
A-mong the cy-press trees,
 3   -3   3  -3  3
They get you dip-py, 
 3    -3      3    -3 -3* -4
with their strange mel-o-dies,
3  -3  -4   -4  -3  -3
To re-sist temp-ta-tion, 
3  3     3   -3  -3*
I just can't re-fuse,
-5  -5 -5 -5  -4 -5 -5  -5 -5  -3
In Tish-o-min-go I wish to lin-ger,
 -3*   -4  -3*  -4  -5  -4   3
Where they play the wea-ry blues.

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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