The Words of the Lord (tremolo)

The Words of the Lord (tremolo)

Автор мелодии: Stephen Pearson
This is tabbed for a 24 hole Echo Celeste tremolo

The Words of the Lord Are Like Silver

 4   5    4   5   -5   5  -5    6 -5
The words of the Lord are like silver,
4  7     7 7    7   -6 6  5  -5  6   -5
Refined seven times in a furnace of clay
 4   5    4    5  -5   5  -5  6  -5
The Lord will protect and defend us:
4    7   7  7 7 -6    6   5   -5 6 -5
His word is eternal, and with us alway.
  4     7  7
Lord, help us,
 7   7 7   7   7    -6   6   -5
The godly are gone from the land.
4   7   7    7   7
No faithful are left 
7   7   7   -6  6  -5
In the children of man.

Verse 2:
Yet Your word is flawless like silver
Refined seven times in a furnace of clay
Your word will be with and sustain us
Your word is eternal and with us alway
Our Lord sees the evil, the sin, and the lies.  From groans of
oppression our God will arise.

Verse 3:
For your word is flawless like silver
Refined seven times in a furnace of clay
And your word is with the afflicted.
Your word is eternal and with us alway
The evil strut freely but when only when what God regards vile is
honored by men.

Verse 4:
 4   5    4   5   -5   5  -5    6 -5
But your word is flawless like silver
 4  7    7 7    7   -6 6  5  -5  6   -5
Refined seven times in a furnace of clay
4   5    4    5  -5   5  -5  6  -5
Our God will protect and defend us
 4   7   7  7 7 -6   6    5  -5  6 -5
His word is eternal and with us alway.
5  5
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Тремоло
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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