The Power Of Gold

The Power Of Gold

Автор мелодии: Dan Fogelberg
By: Dan Fogelberg
Key: G

-4   7  -6* 7 -6*  -5 -4   7 -6*  6 -6*
The stor-y is told of the pow-er of gold
-5  -4    7 -6*  7 -6*-5 -5  -5   6
And its lure on the un- sus-pect-ing
-4   7  -6*   7   6-6* 
It glit-ters and shines
-4  7  -6*   6   6-6*
It bad-gers and blinds
-4   7   -6*  7   -6*  -5   -5   6
And con-stant-ly needs pro-tect-ing.
-5*  -5* -5* -5*  -4 -4   6   -6*  7
Bal-ance the cost of the soul you lost
  7  -7   -8 -7  7   -7   -8  6 
With the dreams you light-ly sold
-5   6 -6*  7  -4  -7  7 -6* 7-6*6
Are you un-der the pow-er of gold?

-4   7   -6*  7   -6*
The let-ters and calls
-5  -4    7   -6*  6   -6*
Got you climb-ing the walls
-4  7  -6*  7  -6*-5 -5 -5  6
And ev-‘ry-one wants a fav-or
 -4   7 -6*  7  -6* -5
They beg to re-mind you
-4   7   -6*  6  6-6* -5 
Of times left be-hind you
-4   7  -6*   7  -6*  -5 -5 -5  6   
But you know the past is a los-er.
-5*  -5*  -5*    -5*  5* 
The face you're wear-ing
-4  6    -6*   7
is dif-f’rent now
 7  -7  -8-7  7  -7  -8    6
And the days run hot and cold
-5   6  -6* 7  -4  -7  7 -6*7-6*6   
Are you un-der the pow-er of gold?

-6*   -4  -4   7  -6*  7  -6* -5
Ah. You're a crea-ture of hab-it
 7  -6*  6 -6* -5 
Run like a rab-bit
   7  -6* 7 -6*   6    -5    6
Scared of a fear you can't name
 -4   7  -6* 7 -6*-5 -4   7  -6* 6  -6*  -5
Your own par-a-noi-a is loom-ing be-fore you
-4  7   7 7    7     -6*  6  -5  6
But no-bod-y thinks that it's a game.

-5*  -5* -5* -5*  -4 -4   6   -6*  7
Bal-ance the cost of the soul you lost
  7  -7   -8 -7  7   -7   -8  6 
With the dreams you light-ly sold
-5   6 -6*  7  -4  -7  7 -6* 7-6*6
Are you un-der the pow-er of gold?

-4   7 -6*  7  -6*  -5  
The wom-en are love-ly
-4    7 -6*  7  -6*
The wine is su-perb
-4     3      7   -6*  7  -6*  6    7
But there's some-thing a-bout the song
-6*   7  -6*-5 -4 
That dis-turbs you...

Duet (as a chorus)

-5  -8 -7  -8   -7  -6*
-4   7 -6*  7   -6* -5
The wom-en are love-ly

-5   -8  -7 -8  -7
-4    7  -6* 7  -6*
The wine is su-perb
-6*   -7     -8   -7  -8 -7   -6* -8
-5    -6*     7   -6*  7 -6*  -5   7
But there's some-thing a-bout the song

 -7   -8  -7 -6*-6*
 -6*   7  -6*-5 -5
That dis-turbs you...
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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