The Old Music Master

The Old Music Master

Автор мелодии: Johnny Mercer & Hoagy Carmichael
The Old Music Master 

Johnny Mercer & Hoagy Carmichael

 3    4     4  -4 4 -3  3    -2  -2  3   2
One night long a-go by the light of the moon

4   -4 -2  -3  4   -3 -5   5   -4  -4 5   4
An old mus-ic mas-ter sat com-pos-ing a tune

 6   4  5   -4   4    -3  -3   3    -5  6   5
His spi-rit was soar-ing his heart full of joy

  4    -4   -5 -6  7  -6      7
When right our of no-where stepp’d 

-4 5   4  -4   4     4
a lit-tle co-loured boy

 4   -5 -6   4  -3  -3 -4  4  -3
You got-ta jump it mus-ic mas-ter 

 4   5  6    7    -6  7   6   5   4
you got-ta play that rhy-thm fas-ter 

  4    -4  -5  -6 -6  -3  7   -6
you’re nev-er gon-na get it played

 6  6  -6  7  -6   7   -6  7
On the hap-py car hit par-ade

4   -5  -6  7    -6    -6    -7  7  -6
You bet-ter tell your friend beet-ho-ven 

 4   5   6   7  -6  7   6  5   4
and mis-ter reg-gi-nald De-ko-ven

 4   -4   -5 -6 -6   -6  -7  -6
they bet-ter do the same as you

6     6     -6  7 -6  7  -6  7
or they’re gon-na be cor-ny too

 -4  -4  4   -4   4   -4  4   4
long a-bout nine-teen se-ven-teen 

  -4  4   -4  4   5  5    4
jazz ’ll come up on the scene

  -4 -4 4     -4  4    -4  4   -3
then a-bout nine-teen thir-ty five

   6   6  -6   7   7    7
you’ll be-gin to hear swing 

-4  -4   5   6   6   6
boo-gie woo-gie and jive

 4  -5  -6   7   -6   -6   -7   7   -6
you got to show that big broad-cast-er

 4     5    6  7  -6  7   6  5   4
that you’re a sol-id mus-ic mas-ter

 4    -4   -5  -6    -6 -6 -6 -6
and you’ll a-chieve pos-te-ri-ty

  6    6  -6 -6 -6  -6   -6  7
that’s a bit of ad-vice from me

  6   6   -6   7  -6  7
He’s as right as can be
Жанр: Детские мелодии
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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