The Kerry Dance

The Kerry Dance

Ирландская народная песня (фолк)
J.J. Molloy
Тайминг: 6/8

-2   3   -3  3  -2  -3* -5  5   -3
Oh, the days of the Ker-ry danc-ing
-6  -3   -3  3  -2  3   -1    2
Oh, the ring of the pi-per's tune
-2   3  -3  3   -2    -3*  -5  5    -3
Oh, for one of those hours of glad-ness
 -6  -3 -3    3   -2    3    -2   -2
Gone, a-las, like our youth, too soon!
 4   -5   5   -5  5  -5  5   -5
When the boys be-gan to gath-er
5  -5   6   -5 5 -5  -3   -4
In the glen of a sum-mer night
 5  -5   5  -5 5   -5    5  -5
And the Ker-ry pi-per's tun-ing
 5   -5  6 7  6    -5  5    5
Made us long with wild de-light!
-6  -5  -3*  5  -5
Oh, to think of it
6   5   -3  -3* 5
Oh, to dream of it
 -5   -1  -3*   -3    3...
Fills my heart with tears!

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Ирландские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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