The Folks That Live On The Hill

The Folks That Live On The Hill

Автор мелодии: J.Kern & O.Hammerstein
5   5~~~~~  -5    6  -6  7   7  -7
some-day--/-We'll build a home on a/
some-day--/- we    may be add-ing a/

 -8   -6   7~~~~ -7 -5  -6~~
hill top high--/you and I--/
thing or two-a/wing or two-/

  6 -6  6   7~~   7  5   -5   5   -6~~ -6  5~~~~
Shin-y and new-   a/cot-tage that two-can/fill-/
we will make changes/as an---y    fam' ly/will-/

~ -5   6   -6   -7    -6 -7    6~~~~~~~
-and we'll be pleased to be called/----/
-but  we  will al- ways  be called/----/

~  -5   6   -6   -4  4  -4   4~~~~~~~
-"The folks who live on the hill"-/--  /    :/
-"The folks who live on the hill"-/----/--  /

 6~~~-7  7  -7  -5"  -7  7  -7  -3  -5   6  -5
our--ve-ran-da/will com-mand a view of mead-ows/

  6~~~ 6   -6  6   -7   6     -6  6   -7  6  -6
green-the sort of/view that seems to want to be/

 6~~~~~~ 6   -6   6   -6    6  -6  6
seen--/-and when the kids grow up and/

  5   5~~~~~  -5   6  -6   7   7   -7
leave us--/-we'll sit and look at that/

 -8   -6   7~~  -7  -5 -6~~~
same old view-/just we two--/

 6  -6  6    7~~~ 7   5   -5 5   -6~~ -6
Dar-by and Joan- who/used to be Jack and/

  5~~~~~ -5   6   -6   -7  -6 -7   6~~~~~~~~~
Jill--/-The folks who like to be called/----/

~  -5    6   -6  -8  7    -8     6~~~~~~~~
- what they have al-ways been called/----/

~  7   -8    8   -8  7  -8   7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The folks who live on the hill-/----/----/

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Любовные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих

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