The Alligator’s Old Top Hat

The Alligator’s Old Top Hat

Автор мелодии: Lorraine Milne
The Alligator’s Old Top Hat

  4 -4  5  -5  6   -6 -6   7    -6 -6 6
Once u-pon a time such a long time a-go
  5   5   -4   4   -6  -6    6
When the sky was green not blue

-6 -6  5      -6   -5  -4
el-e-phants picked ro-ses

 -4   -4   4 -6 -6   6
And lived on i-rish stew

-4 5   -5   -5   5 -5  6
Un-i-corns wore un-i-forms

 6  6   -6   -6   -6   -6    7
And a great deal more than that 

  -6    -6    -6  -6    7   6  -6  -6
Fleas would roar and loved to nib-ble

6   5  -5  6 -5  6    5   -4  4
On the al-li-ga-tors old top hat

-6 -6  5  5  -5  6 -5  6    5   -4  4
Mm mm on the al-li-ga-tors old top hat

  4  -3  -3  -6   -6  -6   -6  -3  7     -6   -6
Cups of tea with rib-bons tied a-round their knees

 -6    -6  -6    -6  -6   7   -6  -6
While walk-ing round in pairs of ski

6   5  -5  6 -5  6    5   -4  4
On the al-li-ga-tors old top hat

-6 -6  5  5  -5  6 -5  6    5   -4  4
Mm mm on the al-li-ga-tors old top hat

  6      7
That’s that!
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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