

Автор мелодии: ColdPlay
TALK                        COLDPLAY


-6  -6   -6 -6  6    5  -4    4    -3
Oh broth-er I can't, I can't get through

 -6   -6   -6  -6  -6  -6   6    5
I've been try-ing hard to reach you, 

  -4  4  -3b   -3    4  -4 -3
cause I don't know what to do

-6  -6   -6 -6  6    5   -4    4   -3b
Oh broth-er I can't be-lieve it's true

 4   6   -6  -6  -6   -6  6   5   -4
I'm so scared a-bout the fu-ture and 

4  -3b -6   4  -4  -3 -2 -2 -3b -3   4  -4  -3
I want to talk to you Oh I want to talk to you


 5    -6   -6  6  5   -4 -3b   4    -4   5  -3b
You could take a pic-ture of some-thing you see

-6  6   5  -4    4    -4  5 -3b
In the fu-ture where will I be

 5   6    -6  6  5   -4  4 -4  5  -3b
You can climb a lad-der up to the sun

 4   -6 -6   5  -4  4 -4  5   -3b
Or write a song no-bo-dy has sung

5 -3b   5    5      5    5  -4  -3   -2
Or do some-thing that's nev-er been done

Verse 2 

 -6  -6   6   5 -4  4   -3b
Are you lost or in-com-plete

 5  6   -6   -6  -6 6   5   -4   4    -3b
Do you feel like a puz-zle you can't find 

 -3    4   -4   -3   -3b -2  -6  -7   7
your miss-ing piece tell me how you feel

 -4  5  -5   -5     -5     5   -4  4 -4
Well I feel like they're talk-ing in a 

 -2  -3b  4   -4    -3
lan-guage I don't speak

 -4     5    -5   -5 -5 -5 -3
And they're talk-ing it to me


Verse 3 same as verse 2
So you don't know were you're go-ing, 
and you wan-na talk
And you feel like you're go-ing 
where you've been be-fore
You tell a-ny-one who'll lis-ten 
but you feel ig-nored
Noth-ing's real-ly mak-ing any sense at all

  5     5     5      5
Let's talk, let's taa-alk
Let's talk, let's taa-alk

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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