Tail Dragger

Tail Dragger

Автор мелодии: Willie Dixon
-2 -2  -2”   2   1
1) I’m a tail drag-ger
2) I’m a tail drag-ger
3) I’m a tail drag-ger

    -3’ -2    1   2    1
1) I’m wide ‘bout my tracks
2) I’m wide ‘bout my tracks
3) I’m wide ‘bout my tracks

    -2 -2 -3’  -2  -3’ -2
1) When I get what I  want
2) When I get what I  want
3) When I get what I  want

   -4 -4    -2    -2” -2”  -2” 2 1
1) I don’t come sneak-in’    back
2) I don’t come sneak-in’    back
3) I don’t come sneak-in’    back

   -2   -3’ -4    -4
1) The might-y   wolf
2) The ‘cu -da  drags

  -3’ -4    -4   -4  -4    -4
1) Mak-in’  a   mid-night creep
2)  His    tail in   the  sand

   -3’  -4  -4        -3’  -4     -4    -2
1) The hunt-ers,     they can’t  find   him
2) The fish wiggles   his tail  in the water
     -3’ -4   -4     -4
1) Steal-in’ sheep
2) When the  mighty wolf

   -3’   -4    -4   -3’  -4   -4
1) ev-   ’ry  where he  goes
2) comes ‘long drag-gin’ his tail

   -2   -3’ -4   -4   -4     2   -2 -2” 2    1
1) And drag-gin’ his tail   be-    hind     him
2) He  ____has______ stole some-  bo-  dy’s dog
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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