Softly As In A Morning Sunrise

Softly As In A Morning Sunrise

Автор мелодии: Bobby Darin
W: Oscar Hammerstein II
M: Sigmund Romberg
Bobby Darin
Key: Cm

 4   3  -2 3 -2  3   -2   4  -1*
Soft-ly as in a morn-ing sun-rise
-1   -1*  -1  -1*  -1     3    1
The light of love comes steal-ing
3  3* 3 -1*  -1   1
In-to a new-born day
 4    3   -2   3  -2   3   -2  4  -1*
Flam-ing with all the glow of sun-rise
-1 -1* -1   -1* -1  3    1
A burn-ing kiss is seal-ing
3  3*  3   -1* -1  1
A vow that all be-tray

-1  -1* -2    3    3*    -3*   -1*
For the pas-sions that thrill love
-3*  4   -3*  4  -3* -3*  2
And lift you high to heav-en
 2  -2   3    3*   -3*  4    -2
Are the pas-sions that kill love
 4  -5   5   -5  5   -5
And let you fall to hell!
-5  -6   -6  -5* -5
So ends each sto-ry

 4   3  -2 3  -2  3   -2   4  -1*
Soft-ly as in an eve-ning sun-set 
-1   -1*   -1   -1* -1   3  1
The light that gave you glo-ry
 3    3*   3  -5* -5 5
Will take you all a-way

Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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