Small World

Small World

Автор мелодии: Johnny Mathis
W: Stephen Sondheim
M: Jule Styne

Fun-ny, you're a stran-ger who's come here
-3* -5*  -3*  -5*  7*   7*  7     -6  -5*
Come from an-oth-er town
7*    7*  7   -6 -5* -6
Fun-ny, I'm a stran-ger my-self here
-3* -5* -3*-5*  8    8  -7* 7*   7
Small world, is-n't it?
-7*    -7*   7*  7  -6

Fun-ny, you're a girl who goes trav-'ling
-3*-5*   -3*  -5* 7*  7*   7    -6   -5*
Rath-er than set-tling down
7*   7*  7   -6   -5*   -6
Fun-ny, 'cause I'd love to go trav-'ling
-3*-5*    -3*  -5*  8   8  -7* 7*    7
Small world, isn-'t it?
-7*    -7*    -9 9  -9

We have so much in com-mon 
8   -5  -5* 7   -7* -9  8*
it's a phe-nom-e-non
5   -5* 7   8  -8 -7*
We could pool our re-sourc-es 
8*  -6*   -6   7*  8   -9* -9
by join-ing forc-es from now on
-5* -6* -7*  8*  8   -8  -7* -7* 

Luck-y, you're a girl who likes child-ren
-3* -5*  -3*  -5* 7*  7*    7    -6   -5*
That's an im-port-ant sign
7*     7*  7  -6  -5*  -6
Luck-y, 'cause I'd love to have child-ren
-3* -5*   -3*  -5*  8   8   -7*   7*   7
Small world, isn-'t it?
-7*    -7*    7*  7 -6

Fun-ny, is-n't it?
-7*-7*  8 -7*  8
Small and fun-ny and fine
-9     8   7  7   5   -5*


Johnny Mathis
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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