sex on fire

sex on fire

Автор мелодии: kings of leon
4    4     4    -4   5 4     4   4  -4 4
lay where youre laying,don`t make a sound
4  4      4     -3  4      4     -3  4
i know they`re watching,they`re watching
 4   4   4  -4 5   4   4  4   4   -4 4
all the commotion,the kiddie like play
 4   4  4   -3 4    -3 4
has people talking,talking

 -7  -7  -7   7 -6  7-7
you,your sex is on fire
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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